Saturday, February 2, 2013

San Francisco December 2012

This was our second trip to San Francisco. This time we were able to visit Alcatraz which was fascinating.
Then we went to Fishermans Wharf where we had a bite to eat here.
This was the view of Alcatraz from Fishermans Wharf.
The main reason for this visit was my neice Samantha's wedding. We even spent time with my sister Janice.
Here is the beautiful bride and her handsome husband. It was a beautiful wedding.
We spent the next couple days visiting some California Breweries. This first one is in Petaluma, CA.
This one was what seemed like out in the middle of no where. A bit of a ride north of San Francisco. They had a very large solar panel array which helps power the brewery.
Another of the breweries. I didn't take pictures of all of them. I may have missed a couple.
This one was back in San Francisco. Had a very nice lunch here.
We also visited Korbel Champagne.
How would you like to have this bottle of champagne and glass?
Lots of beautiful redwoods at Korbel.
We stopped into the Charles Schultz museum in Santa Rosa. It was pretty cool.
This wall is made up completely of comic book strips. Very creative.
Just thought this was a cool shot.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

2012 Pumpkin People

Clowns at Flossie's general store.
A birthday celebration for me? Actually the 25th year of Pumpkin People.
Who is this famous couple?
A Skiier on the bunny slope - notice the bunny?
Is this Dexter? 
Herman and Lilly Munster buy a nice fixer-upper  in Jackson, NH.
The Grinch and all the little Who's. This was one of our favorites.
Can't get away without an election debate.
Hocus Pocus anyone?
And how about some Redneck Leaf Peepers?
Marilyn has never looked better. The fan was a nice touch.
Sesame Street.
The luck of the Irish.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Return of the Pumpkin People 2011

For the 6th year we went to the North Conway area to see the pumpkin people. Here are some of our favorites. Anyone for a Margarita?

Gullivers Travels.

This was the better of the 2 Smurf scenes.

The "greenest" display. (Windpower)

How many dalmations were there?

Wow look at those golden locks!

I don't see any pumpkins - or do I?
At the place we stayed.
Although not an official "Pumpkin Person", still pretty cool.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mexico Vacation

We went to Mexico for a 5 day vacation. Unfortunately the pictures are not in the order I wanted them. This was the sunrise on the last day.


The next picture was of the best bartender there. His name is Enrique. He made us some very special shots. I cant't state their names here.

Deb and I at lunch at one of the restaurants.
There was a lot of interesting artwork throughout the buildings.

There were also lots of beautiful flowers.
The pool was beautiful.

Although only four foot deep, it was easy to get to the 3 swim up bars.

The scenery was just beautiful. Palm trees every where. And plenty of lounge chairs to relax in the sun (which there was plenty of.)

We went out to a local plaza to do some shopping and this man let us take our pictures with him.
The staff walked around with this monkey and you could hold him. Deb also held him but at that point they told me they had to take all the pictures of course so they could sell them to you.
Another couple shots of the beach.
Inside the Mexican restaurant. We arrived before check in and they let us go have lunch before our room was ready.
The lobby of the hotel when we arrived.
Approaching the hotel to from the street.
The hotel from the outside.