Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Belated Christmas

Well I had planned on posting before Christmas. Well better late than never.

Decorating for Christmas can be a lot of fun. I can watch others do it just fine. I did hang one ornament on the tree. Deb and Andrea did the rest. Andrea added the ribbons.Some of the other decorations. Andrea likes to wrap the pictures. It makes a nice touch.Here are a couple other decorations. There were others but unfortunately I either didn't take pictures of them or they didn't come out good enough.And even the toilet received a little Christmas decoration.And here is our tree lit up. Not the best shot.

Christmas in Ct. This year the Hobden family Christmas was in Ct. (Patty and John switch every year). Here Paige and Caleb are playing with an old toy while waiting to open this years presents.

Both John and Paige really liked John's Thomas blanket.Paige waiting to open another present.
I asked little John if he wanted to open more presents and this was his response. I guess he was overwhelmed.
Finally after all presents were opened, the two oldest sat down to watch a video. Before Paige, Grace and family had to head back to NH.

Christmas in Lowell. Well I didn't take ,many pictures. The first one is Matt after he saw that he finally got his Kayak. The wait is finally over. Unfortunately it was a little too large to wrap so we put it on the back of the couch (with a nice bow).

And Andrea received a new laptop. I think she was pretty happy with it.

After Christmas I went to visit Paige and Grace.Grace really seems to like Curious George.