Saturday, February 21, 2009

Visiting Grandaughters

On Saturday Deb and I got to visit Paige and Grace. Debbie got to read to Paige.While grampa held Grace. She seems to be doing better after her brief stay in the hospital. She has a cold and because of her situation, was having a hard time breathing.Then Grampa got to help Paige with her puzzels. Although she did most of the work.Then she just decided to be silly. Deb posing with Grace
Grace getting some exercise with mommy.
Looks like both girls being silly

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Grandsons visit

It's always nice to see family. After a very nice Valentines day, and not so stressfull day at Block, we had a very nice visit with the grandsons. Of course their parents came along as well. Deb made a really tasty lasagna for dinner. We spent some time playing with toys and then watching a DVD with little John.
Little John liked to dance and clap to the music on the DVD. It was fun to dance with him.

Little John is not one for sitting still. Always going from one thing to something else. So it was hard to capture his attention for pictures. But Caleb is easier as he will still sit still. Although that probably won't last as he is very close to walking. Won't mom and dad have fun with 2 boys to chase around the house?

Everyone got to hold Caleb.

And as always, Bean had to be part of what was going on. Little John seemed very interested in Bean. Although Caleb not so much at first.

All in all it was a great weekend. I can't believe how fast the boys are growing up.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines day

Happy Valentines day. Andrea made this sign for us last year so we decided to keep it to put up every year. And Valentines day wouldn't be complete without some beautiful flowers.

Welecome to Kennebunk Maine. Deb and I went on a little get away to celebrate Valentines day. This bridge separates Kennebunk and Kennebunkport.In case you are not sure where it is, here are the approximate lattitude and longitude. I saw this above a store front and thought it was different.There are many interesting places near Kennebunkport. We actually stayed in Kennebunk.And some very interesting shops in town.If you look closely you can see icicles hanging from this window decoration. This monument is dedicated to all those men and women that have served our country. A very nice tribute.Although it was very cold out, the ducks didn't seem to mind going for a swim.But I think this one somehow got lost.And of course we needed a place to stay for the night. This is a very nice Bed and Breakfast. Notice the sign below the big sign?To top off the night we had a very nice dinner at a local restaurant. The food was good and the prices very reasonable.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pampered Chef

Well Deb decided to host a Pampered Chef party. One of her co-workers at Block has been doing Pampered Chef parties for about 8 years. It is always fun entertaining family and friends.
Before the party got started, there was some preparation.

Karen set up some of the products on the dining room table for the guests to look at ahead of time.

Karen and Deb made two items for everyone to sample. The first was Jerk Chicken Nachos made on the round stone. The second was a brownie dessert made on an oblong flat stone. But before that there were some appetizers.

Karen working on the jerk chicken nachos.
And along with Nachos, you need sour cream. Look at the handy little dispenser.

While the guests enjoyed the nachos, they also got to look at the Pampered Chef catalog at all the interesting products.

Then came the dessert. It was really good. Andrea volunteered to help make the dessert.

And a good host always makes sure her guests wine glasses are full.

Any time there are guests in the house, Bean wants to be in on the action. He doesn't like to be left out. So he found himself a place where he could oversee all the excitement. Of course he really wasn't into Pampered Chef so he just slept.