Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Come on Spring!!!

Well this weekend it was in the 60's. Most of the snow was gone. And yes the crocuses have started to come up. Then along comes another Monday snow storm. At least it was only a couple inches this time and the temp is hovering just above freezing. Hopefully the snow will melt soon and the flowers and trees can start to blossom. Spring can't come soon enough. But then again it is still early March. And in New England anything is possible. 3 Birthdays this month - Patty, Caleb and Andrea. More pictures to come.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Isn't it March?

As you can see from the decoration on the front door, it must be March. Although it looks like late December or early January. A late winter storm arrived after midnight. Projected snowfall was 9 - 12" or more. I planted some crocuses and daffodils in front of these bushes. I was expecting to see some of them starting to come up soon. There was no snow here yesterday.A view out the back door into the woods. It sure is pretty - in December, but I'd rather see the trees and flowers blooming.Even the bird feeder is covered, so no birds today. I'm sure Bean was disappointed.And then there is the gas grill. Good thing we weren't planning on cooking out tonight.
Well maybe this is the last storm of the season. Although in New England, anything is possible. At least the one consolation is that at this time of year, the snow shouldn't hang around too long.