Monday, April 13, 2009


Unfortunately I didn't get around to posting pictures from Caleb's birthday in March. So here are some pictures from both Caleb's and Grace's first birthday parties.
John playing basketball while Caleb hangs on to the Thomas train table..

Who was more into the presents Caleb or John?Grace with one of her many cute expressions.After presents lets have some cake and Ice Cream.Not sure if Caleb got any cake in his stomach. But he sure did manage to get it all over himself. So off with the clothes. Although he didn't seem to complain.Then there was Grace's party. Looks like Grace liked the balloons.Yet another expression.Grace opening presents (with mom's help of course).John really enjoyed Paige's digital camera. Caleb just hangin out.Grace gets her first ice cream with a candle. She can't have cake yet. Don't think she knew what to think about the candle.Some of the other guests enjoying the ice cream sundaes.
Paige playing with one of Grace's new toys.