Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Return of the Pumpkin People 2011

For the 6th year we went to the North Conway area to see the pumpkin people. Here are some of our favorites. Anyone for a Margarita?

Gullivers Travels.

This was the better of the 2 Smurf scenes.

The "greenest" display. (Windpower)

How many dalmations were there?

Wow look at those golden locks!

I don't see any pumpkins - or do I?
At the place we stayed.
Although not an official "Pumpkin Person", still pretty cool.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mexico Vacation

We went to Mexico for a 5 day vacation. Unfortunately the pictures are not in the order I wanted them. This was the sunrise on the last day.


The next picture was of the best bartender there. His name is Enrique. He made us some very special shots. I cant't state their names here.

Deb and I at lunch at one of the restaurants.
There was a lot of interesting artwork throughout the buildings.

There were also lots of beautiful flowers.
The pool was beautiful.

Although only four foot deep, it was easy to get to the 3 swim up bars.

The scenery was just beautiful. Palm trees every where. And plenty of lounge chairs to relax in the sun (which there was plenty of.)

We went out to a local plaza to do some shopping and this man let us take our pictures with him.
The staff walked around with this monkey and you could hold him. Deb also held him but at that point they told me they had to take all the pictures of course so they could sell them to you.
Another couple shots of the beach.
Inside the Mexican restaurant. We arrived before check in and they let us go have lunch before our room was ready.
The lobby of the hotel when we arrived.
Approaching the hotel to from the street.
The hotel from the outside.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Solar Electric - part 2

The first thing they had to do was put some bracing in the attic. This was part of the delay. Getting approval from the structural engineer. The panels weigh about 150 lbs and he was concerned with load in the winter time. Better be safe than sorry.
The solar panels. There are 16 but they actually come 2 together, so only 8 boxes. They are about 5' X 5' approximately.
Here is the back side. Each panel has a microinverter (bottom left). The solar panel turns the suns rays into DC power. The micro inverter converts it to AC Power.
Here you can see one of the panels ready to go on roof. Takes 4 guys. 2 on the bottom and 2 on the roof.
With the panels comes additional electric sub panels. There is also an additional meter to measure the amount of solar power generated.Here are the brackets installed on the roof to hold the panels. Some solar systems have a much more elaborate racking system. This system is actually called Solar in a Box and is much easier to install.
Here is a closeup of the panel. You can see the wires that are used to hook it to the remaining panels and ultimately the electric panel.

Another view of the mounting hardware along with the first panel at the far end of the roof.
Almost done. Only 1 more panel to go after the one they are working on. Took less than 6 hours to mount the panels. The electric hook up was much longer.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Solar Electric part 1

Deb and I have decided to put Solar electric panels on our roof. With all the incentives and rebates plus the reduced energy bills the system will pay for itself in less than 5 years. And the best part it is good for the environment. Unfortunately we had a couple trees in the front yard that needed to come down. This one is a large oak. At least I don't have to deal with all the acorns in my front yard any more. Before view looking at both trees from the driveway.
The oak is coming down. Here the bottom branches are removed.
He actually climbed up the tree to remove some of the branches and the top section of the tree.

A little closer up.They put all the branches in the wood chipper. They were going to take them away but later I decided to keep them.
Getting ready to grind the stumps below the grade level.
The finished product. We plan on planting a few flowering trees like perhaps a few crape myrtles or similar. They won't grow tall enough to be a shade problem.
Here is a video of the first tree coming down.

Will update you as the process goes on. Will probably take 2 - 3 months.