Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas 2010

Decided it was time to update the blog. What better time than Christmas. We have a really cute little "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree near the jacuzzi. We thought we should decorate it as such. We even added solar lights so we could enjoy it in the jacuzzi. Unfortunately the picture isn't that great. I put up some lights on the outside. Something we couldn't do at the condo. They looked great at night.

Our tree. We found a place that had trees for $20. The tree was beautiful and was still very green when we took it down after Christmas.Some of the other decorations. Andrea wrapped the picture frames again but I didn't include a picture here.The cats even have their own special Christmas collars. Supprisingly they kept them on. Very hard to get a picture of the two of them together.

Beanand Dexter
We also had Christmas with the grandchildren. This year it was at my daughters in Londonderry. It is always so much fun and they are getting more into each year.

Here is John waiting for "present time".
Paige received three necklaces including one from grampa. Here she is showing them off.

Grace watching someone open a present.
And Caleb waiting his turn. It was a beautiful Christmas and I think everyone had a great time as usual.