Saturday, April 2, 2011

Solar Electric part 1

Deb and I have decided to put Solar electric panels on our roof. With all the incentives and rebates plus the reduced energy bills the system will pay for itself in less than 5 years. And the best part it is good for the environment. Unfortunately we had a couple trees in the front yard that needed to come down. This one is a large oak. At least I don't have to deal with all the acorns in my front yard any more. Before view looking at both trees from the driveway.
The oak is coming down. Here the bottom branches are removed.
He actually climbed up the tree to remove some of the branches and the top section of the tree.

A little closer up.They put all the branches in the wood chipper. They were going to take them away but later I decided to keep them.
Getting ready to grind the stumps below the grade level.
The finished product. We plan on planting a few flowering trees like perhaps a few crape myrtles or similar. They won't grow tall enough to be a shade problem.
Here is a video of the first tree coming down.

Will update you as the process goes on. Will probably take 2 - 3 months.