Monday, January 26, 2009

A history of our cats

Before Deb and I met, I had Norman. Although he was originally my daughters cat, she could not take him when she moved out after college. So I got to keep him. He was a loving and extremely affectionate cat. He loved everyone even if you weren't a cat person. He was around for approximately 15 years.
Before Deb met me, She had Bonzai. Bonzai was an interesting kitty. She was not as affectionate and sometimes a little crazy, but she had some very nice points. Whenever Deb would get an empty cardboard box, she would chew out the corner so she would have a place for her head to rest. She also loved to chase balls around the floor. And loosing them. When Deb moved out there were at least a dozen under the stove. She also used to love to look out the window at the birds. She wasn't much for letting you pat her unless it was on her terms.Then there was Gus. Our first kitty in our new home. He was the sweetest kitty. Very playful and extremely lovable. He loved everyone. We got him a kitty tower from freecycle ( which he absolutely loved. He would race up and down across the dining room and up the tower and back down. He also loved the laser as well. Unfortunately we lost him unexpectedley. Only 1 year old.

We couldn't go with out a cat for long so along came Bean. He is a very affectionate kitty. Not a lap kitty though, but is still very loveable. Especially if we have been gone for any time. He is definetly a cat with a routine. He loves to drink from the kitchen or bathroom sink. He likes to play with splenda packets and anything like that. He also likes to knock things off the kitchen counter. Which he does all the time. Unfortunately, one reason episode involved a hot mug of Deb's tea early one morning. Not sure if he knocked it off on purpose or if he hit it as he flew up on the counter as he sometimes does. He will also race up the stairs if he thinks someone might be going up. I think he needs to be first. In addition he is usually outside the bedroom door first thing in the morning waiting for Deb to get up. Needlesss to say, he has numerous nicknames like meetball and dufus and sometimes fruit cake among others. He is also a big boy at 13 lbs last vet check up.

Well we thought Bean could use a playmate. So we adopted Izzy. A female part Siamese. She was a very pretty cat and also very playful. Although she absolutely hated it if you tried to pick her up. The 2 got a long very well together, for 6 months. Although she was a few months older, she was a little smaller, probably the Siamese in her. As I said they got along for about 6 months. Then all of a sudden one day she freaked and her and Bean had a knock down drag out fight. Even after separating them for a short time, they still came out fighting. We think maybe she got fed up with Bean. He plays agressively some time and he is probably 1 1/2 times her size. So we gave her back to the shelter to be adopted by a family with no other cats.

Well then along came Frankie. This time we thought we would get another boy cat as well as a kitten. Figuring the 2 could grow up together. Frankie's name was Francis at the shelter so we changed it to Frank. Frank and Bean just seems to go good together. They did play a little together. Bean liked to lick him. Which was sometimes followed by him biting Frank. Well Frank is a very affectionate kitty. He will sit in my lap for hours. However, he got sick about a month after we got him. And unfortunately we don't know what is wrong with him. He has had 2 different blood tests and been looked at by 3 different vets. It doesn't look good for the little guy. We keep praying for him. Perhaps a miracle will happen. Will keep you updated.

1 comment:

Dragons52 said...

Well I hope it works out for him and I certainly appreciate the history of the was hard keeping track some days on how many you had, what names and what happened to each etc.