Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Grandsons visit

It's always nice to see family. After a very nice Valentines day, and not so stressfull day at Block, we had a very nice visit with the grandsons. Of course their parents came along as well. Deb made a really tasty lasagna for dinner. We spent some time playing with toys and then watching a DVD with little John.
Little John liked to dance and clap to the music on the DVD. It was fun to dance with him.

Little John is not one for sitting still. Always going from one thing to something else. So it was hard to capture his attention for pictures. But Caleb is easier as he will still sit still. Although that probably won't last as he is very close to walking. Won't mom and dad have fun with 2 boys to chase around the house?

Everyone got to hold Caleb.

And as always, Bean had to be part of what was going on. Little John seemed very interested in Bean. Although Caleb not so much at first.

All in all it was a great weekend. I can't believe how fast the boys are growing up.

1 comment:

Dragons52 said...

Looks like lots of activity to me!!!