Monday, May 18, 2009

Back from Bermuda

We had a great time on our recent trip. Here are a few of the pictures. If interested in all of them, they are available on Let me know and I can share with you. We left Boston on Friday afternoon on the Norwegian Spirit.We arrived in Bermuda on Sunday morning.One of the things we did was a glass bottom boat and sightseeing trip. It was one of the best things we did. In addition to the coral reefs (which weren't as pretty as we thought they would be), we also saw a ship wreck.
When we got back to the dockyard, we walked around for a while. Then we had dinner at the Frog and Onion Pub. It was a great meal.
The second day in Bermuda we went to Hamilton (the capital) and stopped at Horseshoe Bay beach on the way. Very pretty but no beautiful pink sand as expected.
When we left Hamilton, we took the ferry back to the ship. It was much faster than the bus.The third and last day in Bermuda we went to St. Georges. We went by ferry since it is the oposite end of the island. The island is only 28 miles long and no more than 1 mile at the widest part. The roads are narrow and winding. St. Georges was a more quaint town than Hamilton is.

Three times during the week we came back to our room and found one of these on our bed. We even went to a show on how to make them. Of course they make it seem very easy. Still not sure I could do it.
Also on the last day we took another walk around the dock yard. And someone offered to take our picture.

One of the many pubs on the ship. We like English Pubs.
This is a wishing circle. You are supposed to stand in it and make a wish. And hopefully it will come true.Last day at Sea. We did a lot of this as well on the trip.Finally approaching Boston. You can probably recognize Logan airport.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dexter arrives

Well we waited 3 month's but finally were able to go get Dexter. I think he will be worth the wait. Although he was not the most cooperative for the camera.

We gave him his own food dish and litter box.
And a comfy blanket to sleep on.

And introduced him to his new big brother - Bean. Hopefully they will get along great and have fun growing up together.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Spring is here

Well it looks like spring has finally arrived. One of my favorite parts of spring is all the beautiful flowers. I planted some bulbs last fall and here they are. I never had success with tulips in the past but as you can see they did alright this year. I also planted a few annuals to add some color.

I put the trellis in last year because the rose bush needed it. Can't wait for the roses to appear.
Andrea surpised Deb with this pot and beautiful plant for an early mother's day gift. Andrea actually made and painted the pot.

Just thought I'd throw in this picture. I took it at the hotel that Andrea stayed at when we went to Medievil Manor for her birthday. Doesn't look quite as beautiful as my cousin's.