Friday, May 1, 2009

Spring is here

Well it looks like spring has finally arrived. One of my favorite parts of spring is all the beautiful flowers. I planted some bulbs last fall and here they are. I never had success with tulips in the past but as you can see they did alright this year. I also planted a few annuals to add some color.

I put the trellis in last year because the rose bush needed it. Can't wait for the roses to appear.
Andrea surpised Deb with this pot and beautiful plant for an early mother's day gift. Andrea actually made and painted the pot.

Just thought I'd throw in this picture. I took it at the hotel that Andrea stayed at when we went to Medievil Manor for her birthday. Doesn't look quite as beautiful as my cousin's.

1 comment:

Dragons52 said...

Beautiful! The problem with tulips in our area is if there are rabbits or deer around they think they are like ice cream and cake!!! Daffies do much better in that case.