Monday, June 22, 2009

Some misc. pics

Well Andrea graduated from college on May 30th. We decided to have a combined graduation party for her with Matt's birthday party. I wasn't very good at getting party pictures. But did capture a few of the grandchildren.

Paige outdoors.
Paige checking out Dexter.

John and Grace hangin with Deb.
The following weekend we went to the Rock'n Rib Fest at the Budweiser Brewery in Merrimack. The food was great. It turned out to be a pretty sunny day - a rareity in the month of June.This is a local band that we watched for a while. Very good music.Here is a taste of there music. My arms got tired holding up my camera.
There were also numerous things for the children to do. Here are a couple.Then we took the free tour of the brewery. Why not the beers are free at the end, although you only get 2.
There was actually an air show (well one plane) doing stunts over the brewery. Not easy to capture since it was going very fast and was all over the place. The dot in the center is the plane.After the brewery we went to see Paige and Grace. Oh and Patty too. Andrea got to read to Paige, but I didn't get it on camera. Here is grampa reading to Paige.
And Debbie reading to Grace.
Grace can have some of the cutest expressions. This isn't one of them. They are usually hard to get on camera.
Just one last random shot of my garden.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Andrea and her friend Moe (Maureen) put on a fundraising event to raise money for the Susan Komen 3 day Breast Cancer Awareness walk. The walk is scheduled for the end of July. Each of them has to raise $2,300 The organizers of the event.
Deb made tissue paper flowers as part of the decorations.

They came out very nice.
In addition Deb baked all morning so the girls could have a bake sale along with other activities.
Do they look familiar? Well they are supposed to. They sold them 2 for a dollar. After all they should come in pairs. Now do you recognize them?
They also had some other items for sale.

As well as a raffle and 50-50 drawing.

Moe's dad ran a Texas hold em table. Deb and I got lessons. Deb won all the money. Unfortunately it was just a practice round. But maybe she's found a new profession!!
Moe's mom read Taro cards.
In addition there were three bands. This is Matt's band. They were the best of the three.

After it was done, the girls ended up raising quite a bit but still have a way to go to meet their goal.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dexter update

As you can see, Dexter is quite relaxed in his new home. Dexter getting ready to attack Bean. At first Bean was a little intimidated by Dexter. Although Dexter is half his size.Now they hang out together all the time.

Can you see Bean on the couch?

Catching some rays while watching for any birds or squirrels.Dexter taking a break during playtime.But sometimes you just really need a good nap. One sunny day I decided to wash my car. I had the windows opened so the boys decided to watch me. Yes they are both in the picture.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Do you remember the 80's?

Deb, Andrea, Pat (Andrea's boyfriend) and I went to an 80's themed birthday party for Andrea's best friend. Meet Don Johnson.

Pat and Andrea.
And our gracious host.

Andrea and Pat with the birthday girl.

Nice cake. So it is more from the 70's. It was good just the same.

No this is not real. (Splenda).

Fun times were had by all.