Monday, June 22, 2009

Some misc. pics

Well Andrea graduated from college on May 30th. We decided to have a combined graduation party for her with Matt's birthday party. I wasn't very good at getting party pictures. But did capture a few of the grandchildren.

Paige outdoors.
Paige checking out Dexter.

John and Grace hangin with Deb.
The following weekend we went to the Rock'n Rib Fest at the Budweiser Brewery in Merrimack. The food was great. It turned out to be a pretty sunny day - a rareity in the month of June.This is a local band that we watched for a while. Very good music.Here is a taste of there music. My arms got tired holding up my camera.
There were also numerous things for the children to do. Here are a couple.Then we took the free tour of the brewery. Why not the beers are free at the end, although you only get 2.
There was actually an air show (well one plane) doing stunts over the brewery. Not easy to capture since it was going very fast and was all over the place. The dot in the center is the plane.After the brewery we went to see Paige and Grace. Oh and Patty too. Andrea got to read to Paige, but I didn't get it on camera. Here is grampa reading to Paige.
And Debbie reading to Grace.
Grace can have some of the cutest expressions. This isn't one of them. They are usually hard to get on camera.
Just one last random shot of my garden.

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