Tuesday, August 17, 2010


All 4 grandchildren came to visit Grampa and Debbie at their new home. First was Paige and Grace. Unfortunately, I did not get a good picture of Paige. It is very hard to catch any of them to take a picture. I do have several shots of the backs of their heads.
This is little Gracie. Not exactly sure what she was doing.
The grandsons came over next. I had a chance for a great shot of Caleb staring down one of my cats but again missed it. This was right after that.
The boys checking out the new hot tub pad. We also played bubbles with all of them.

Again not sure what Caleb was doing but at least it is not the back of his head.

Little John trying on a new hat.

Deb and I got to join all of them on their vacation to Lincoln, New Hampshire. We went to Clark's trading post. We rode the train and scared of the old wolf man then we saw the bear show.
Here is Paige and Grace on the train.
Paige and Caleb.
The boys really liked the sand box.

The night before we saw them at John's timeshare. This is a very typical look for Grace.

Caleb being silly eating pizza.

Paige being silly with the bike helmet. Not sure this is the correct way to wear it.

John just being silly.

As I said it is hard enough to get a picture of one never mind all 4. We did manage to do it though. Aren't they just the best looking grandchildren in the world?

Stay tuned for Jacuzzi part 2.

1 comment:

Dragons52 said...

Wow how fast they are growing up!