Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grace Baptism

Grace along with her proud parents waiting for the ceremony to begin. I think Grace is wondering why she is in this fancy dress and hat.Doing the Baptism is Linda Pendleton. She is a friend of mine from my part time job at H&R Block. She is also the one that married the proud parents.

Nice family shot. Paige and Grace with their parents and John and Caleb with their parents. Patty's brother and sister in law are Grace's Godparents.Paige and Caleb play while waiting for the meal.And of course there has to be cake and it was delicious.
But little Grace couldn't enjoy the cake. Not yet anyway. But her sister and cousin sure enjoyed theirs.

1 comment:

Dragons52 said...

Much be such a great feeling to have this ceremony after all the concerns about her. She looks like she is doing great!!!