Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day

Well today we celebrate Veterans Day honoring all those that have served in the past and the present. Although it is a holiday (as it should be) many compnaies opt to save the day for the day after Thanksgiving to give employees a longer weekend. My company is one of those. However, we did not forget that today is still Veterans day. The Managment team puts together a nice tribute every year to honor all veterans. The Veterans line up according to branch of service. Then the service flags are marched in (with the respective song) to stand in front of fellow service members. Then the color guard raises the American Flag. After some very nice remarks by Leadership, it is followed by a moment of silence while taps is played. It is a very fitting tribute to all that have served or are currently serving this great country of ours. I thought this would be a fine time for this picture again.

Happy Veterans day to all.

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