Monday, June 15, 2009


Andrea and her friend Moe (Maureen) put on a fundraising event to raise money for the Susan Komen 3 day Breast Cancer Awareness walk. The walk is scheduled for the end of July. Each of them has to raise $2,300 The organizers of the event.
Deb made tissue paper flowers as part of the decorations.

They came out very nice.
In addition Deb baked all morning so the girls could have a bake sale along with other activities.
Do they look familiar? Well they are supposed to. They sold them 2 for a dollar. After all they should come in pairs. Now do you recognize them?
They also had some other items for sale.

As well as a raffle and 50-50 drawing.

Moe's dad ran a Texas hold em table. Deb and I got lessons. Deb won all the money. Unfortunately it was just a practice round. But maybe she's found a new profession!!
Moe's mom read Taro cards.
In addition there were three bands. This is Matt's band. They were the best of the three.

After it was done, the girls ended up raising quite a bit but still have a way to go to meet their goal.


Dragons52 said...

What a great idea for raising money for this cause!! I'll have to suggest it to the ladies in my neighborhood for their 'runs' etc! Looks like it was tons of fun too!

kph said...

Yes it was a lot of fun. Only problem was the bands were loud which made it hard to Play Texas hold em and the tarot readings. Although she did do tarot all night. There wasn't the right crowd there for Texas hold em.